Monday, July 09, 2007

The Monday Chiller #9 - Datasette does Interpol

It's been a lazy week here at Hermit Towers. On wednesday I drove up to Edinburgh for a few days of good eating and drinking with the family, and celebrated both my sister's graduation (congrats on the MA) and my Gran's birthday (congrats on making it to 86). As such i've been out of the blog loop for a bit, haven't read any blogs or downloaded any new music for a week or so. I've been using this time to consolidate the stuff that I have got, and a certain few tunes have really come into the category of What Feels Right in terms of what i'm into these days. Over the next week then i'll be playing catch-up with music that I think needs to be shared and trying not to post stuff that's already all over the interweb. After this post, that is.

Interpol - Untitled (Datasette version)

Still haven't worked out which Datasette stuff needs to be posted after I found a good 30 or so free tracks on his website, but this will most definitely do for now. One of those tracks that makes you skip back to the start because you get so into the vibe of the song.

Check out Rest My Chemistry and Mammoth especially off the new Interpol album available here.


ANS said...

Elbow were usurped?!

Tom said...

Yeah I didn't have time to sort it all out after work, they'll be there next week for sure.