Seriously Tom, it's time to bring out some new material. The Blue Nile took 17 years between albums but that doesn't mean you have to try and match their record. I'm sure the new stuff will be good, and if it's not, then you can do a Prodigy and come back in 7 years with a half-arsed sophomore attempt.
Don't know Tom Vek? The guy invented New Rave! Not really, but he was blurring the lines between dance and and indie way before the current sweep of Dindie/Indiance artists.
MP3: Tom Vek - Things Are Here To Stay
To be fair, during his hiatus Tom has managed to appear on The O.C.
Don't know Tom Vek? The guy invented New Rave! Not really, but he was blurring the lines between dance and and indie way before the current sweep of Dindie/Indiance artists.
MP3: Tom Vek - Things Are Here To Stay
To be fair, during his hiatus Tom has managed to appear on The O.C.