An Australian friend put me onto this video, not that his origins have any bearing on the pure genius/autism that is Knight Baggy. In it, a Swedish man extols the virtues of his bezzy mate, and confuses us all in the process. A lot.
1) The mystery. Just who is this Knight Baggy? How did they meet?
2) The lyrics: "He's the king of the hill on the top of his horse, he's the master of all living warriors"
3) The hideous overexposure
4) The white dreads
5) The masks and overall dress of the dancers
6) The euro-rave beats
7) 5-30 secs - The lead singer's dancing.
8) The chorus! "Knight Baggy, he is ma friend, forever, and ever again". wtf?
9) 1.05-1.15 - Special effects split-screen bonanza.
10) 1.25 - The singer mimes the first bit of the verse and then what, forgets the rest?
11) 2.10 - During the breakdown the singer sits and contemplates his friendship with Knight Baggy
12) 2.25 - The dancer picks his nose, eats it, then sings the chorus.
This Website doesn't really help clear things up.
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