Monday, May 18, 2009

Knight Baggy, you are the man...

An Australian friend put me onto this video, not that his origins have any bearing on the pure genius/autism that is Knight Baggy. In it, a Swedish man extols the virtues of his bezzy mate, and confuses us all in the process. A lot.

1) The mystery. Just who is this Knight Baggy? How did they meet?
2) The lyrics: "He's the king of the hill on the top of his horse, he's the master of all living warriors"
3) The hideous overexposure
4) The white dreads
5) The masks and overall dress of the dancers
6) The euro-rave beats
7) 5-30 secs - The lead singer's dancing.
8) The chorus! "Knight Baggy, he is ma friend, forever, and ever again". wtf?
9) 1.05-1.15 - Special effects split-screen bonanza.
10) 1.25 - The singer mimes the first bit of the verse and then what, forgets the rest?
11) 2.10 - During the breakdown the singer sits and contemplates his friendship with Knight Baggy
12) 2.25 - The dancer picks his nose, eats it, then sings the chorus.

This Website doesn't really help clear things up.

Tell your friends.

Waiter, there's a Black Moth Super Rainbow in my soup...

I discovered BMSR while sitting at a bus stop in a French ski resort, and was instantly taken in by their blend of robust beats, fuzzy synth loops, distressed vocals and all-round good vibes.

Now, thanks to the power of the internets, you can be too. Go listen somewhere you wouldn't otherwise.

Black Moth Super Rainbow - I Think It Is Beautiful That You Are 256 Colours Too (YSI)

This post was inspired by good music and the power of memory.

Grab yer crayons kids...

Let's not mess about. We all know who Blockhead is and what he does. This latest project from him titled 'Uncle Tony's Colouring Book' is self-released and features all sorts of jaunty, catchy, instrumental hip-hop beats for you to nod your head to over the coming months or try to hone your leftfield rhyming skills on.

This sample track contains all the jaunt you could possibly need for a good night in, so make sure to buy the album if you just can't retrain those feet from tapping.

MP3: Blockhead - Grape Nuts & Chalk Sauce (YSI)

Buy it

Also, this track feels instantly familiar. Has it been used on any commercial/film/tv project recently?