Saturday, September 15, 2007

Do believe the Hype?...

Well yes. I got bored of not being on Hype Machine so emailed them, espousing the greatness of my blog and asking them nicely to add me to their site. Which they did, and I am happy now, but it leaves me wondering where to go with Eclectic Hermit now that readers will be expecting some effort from my posts, instead of the usual half-arsed attempts at blogging I have been putting out lately.

New features are rolling around in my brain right now so fairly soon i'll splurt them out into Noughts and Ones and start getting excited about some of that music, which is why we're all here in the first place.

In the meanwhile, check the Mysterons on the next post, they're well worth a goose*.

*Yorkshire slang for 'look', get educated what!

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